Kiraly Health Center

Kiraly Health Center

Since 2015, our rehabilitation department has been available to those who wish to recover and regenerate.


Our constantly expanding team - Dr. Dániel Horváth radiologist specialist, Dr. Zsolt Kis occupational medicine specialist, Dr. Attila Angyal chief physician of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Dr. Gergely Kovássy gynecologist, Dr. László Czumbil cardiologist, Dr. Melinda Gergely and Dr. Levente Angyalosy internists, Dr. Eszter Pál neurologist, Patrik Kiss physiotherapist, Andrea Komora masseuse and László Pékó mental trainer - warmly welcome the guests.


The Király Health Center is located in Szombathely, on the ground floor of the Király Park Hotel.

A wide range of medical treatments and a modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment park ensure the guests' well-being and recovery.

Parking is free in our facility.

Heal with us!
